Lingua Caelestia is a game where you launch rockets at enemy spaceships by typing the corresponding word in the language of the nation of the ship. There are four nations: Latin, German, French and Hawaiian. However, be cautious, these ships of course launch rockets of their own at you! Luckily, you have shields which protect your mothership against enemy rockets. But the shield needs to match the enemy nation, as otherwise the rocket will go right through!

This game was developed as part of the Fischbrötjam 2024 where the topic was "Language Barrier".


LinguaCaelestiaLinux.x86_64 81 MB
Download 68 MB
LinguaCaelestiaWindows.exe 88 MB


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Just took some time to play the game again, my current high score is 12,600 :D
Also, if you plan to update it, here are some suggestions:

  • a health bar for the city would be really nice to have
  • I think, it would be cool to add some screen shake when your city takes a hit so that you can't miss it and it feels more dangerous (also, louder explosions!)
  • I like the partial highlighting on the enemy ships corresponding to the letters you already typed. However, if you make a typo, I think it would be better to still highlight the correct part (maybe in red), instead of removing the highlighting completely (e.g., for "fischbrötchen", still highlight "fisch" when the player typed "fischvr"). Because usually, the player ends up looking at the enemy ships all the time and not really at the text entry in the middle of the screen. By keeping the highlighting on the ships, it's not necessary to switch focus to the text entry to see where you mistyped, which costs you time.
  • The player needs to permanently concentrate and it might get a little monotonous. This could be fixed with some mix up from time to time - for example, I would love to see some kind of intermediate boss fight! Or a relaxing stage for bonus points.

Anyway, really well done and again, congratulations! :)

really match the theme. nice idea.